Freedom Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram North By Ed Morse

Nov 3, 2023

While we might not face the harshest winter conditions, it’s always wise to be prepared. A well-winterized vehicle means safer and more comfortable travel during those chilly months, so let’s run through the car maintenance you should perform before winter, courtesy of your Jeep RAM dealership.

Check the Antifreeze Levels

Antifreeze, also known as coolant, is your best friend when it comes to keeping your engine running at the right temperatures. Make sure the antifreeze levels are adequate and the mixture is suitable for winter temperatures. A quick check-up at the dealership can ensure you’re all set.

Battery Check-Up

Before the winter hits, ensure your battery is in good shape. Check the terminals for any corrosion and make sure the battery holds its charge well. If your battery is more than a few years old, it might be worth getting it tested and possibly replaced.

Take Stock of Your Tires

In Texas, it might not be necessary to put on snow tires, but it’s still important to ensure your tires are up to the task of winter driving. Check the tread depth. The legal minimum is 2/32 of an inch, but more is always better for wet conditions. Also, keep an eye on your tire pressure, as cooler temperatures can cause it to drop.

Check Windshield Wipers and Fluid

Check your wiper blades for wear and replace them if needed. Also, top up your windshield washer fluid with a winter blend that won’t freeze.

Perform a Lights and Signals Check

With shorter days and longer nights, ensuring all your lights and signals are working correctly is crucial. Replace any burned-out bulbs and clean the light covers for maximum visibility.

Consider an Oil Change

If it’s almost time for an oil change, consider doing it before winter sets in. In colder temperatures, thinner oil can provide better engine protection.

Update Your Emergency Kit

Be sure your car emergency kit is stocked with winter essentials like blankets, a flashlight, extra batteries, bottled water, non-perishable snacks, and a first-aid kit. A little preparation can go a long way if you find yourself unexpectedly stuck.

Visit Your Jeep RAM Dealership for Car Maintenance

For professional help with any of these steps, swing by your local dealership. By winterizing your car or truck, you’re setting yourself up for a safe and comfortable season on the road. A little maintenance can go a long way in making sure you’re prepared, no matter what winter brings.

So, here’s to enjoyable drives, scenic routes, and the beauty of Texas in the cooler months. Visit Freedom Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM North by Ed Morse for all the help you need to get your car ready to brave the winter weather.